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Single-Family Rowhouses



District Lienz, Tirol, Austria


Drafting reinforcement plans

Gross Floor Area

2.258 m²



The project encompasses 12 residential units separated into two buildings - the first with 5, and the second with 7 houses. All houses consist of three levels - basement, ground floor, and first floor. Each residential unit has a separate exterior entrance.

From a design perspective, the project can also be divided into two parts - a reinforced concrete (RC) and a wooden part of the structure. The underground level is entirely made of reinforced concrete. The above-ground stories are constructed as lightweight wooden structures. Our team was tasked with drafting the construction plans of RC elements, while a separate design office dealt with the wooden structure.

Both residential buildings are founded on foundation slabs (shallow foundations). All walls and staircases of the underground level are RC elements cast in situ. The basement slabs are conventional, solid cast-in-place slabs. Along the outer edges of the basement slabs, RC plinth beams are extended to support the wooden walls of the ground floor.

In the vicinity of the residential buildings, there is a waste storage room - an irregular structure, triangular in shape, with RC walls resting on a foundation slab. The construction of parking canopies founded on RC strips and footings is also planned.