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Single-Family House



Limburg, Germany


Drafting reinforcement plans

Gross Floor Area

382 m²



Both floors of the house, the ground floor and the upper floor, form a single residential unit for individual or single-family housing. The house is constructed using solid construction materials (reinforced concrete and masonry), with the exception of lightweight steel columns on the ground floor. For the foundation, a concrete slab with frost skirts along the outer edge was implemented. The upper floor partially deviates from the dimensions of the ground floor and is supported by three steel columns at these locations, which are in turn supported by isolated footings. There is an integrated garage with two parking spaces on the ground floor. The vertical load-bearing elements consist mainly of masonry walls, along with some reinforced concrete walls and columns. The ceilings are precast concrete filigree slabs. Both floors have flat roofs surrounded by concrete parapets. The flat roofs above the ground floor are partially greened and designed for daily use.

Our activities focused on cast-in-place concrete elements, so the precast concrete staircase was not within our scope of responsibility.