Pfungstadt, Germany
Drafting reinforcement plans
Gross Floor Area
1.371 m²
The building is intended for mixed use and consists of three above-ground levels (ground floor, first floor, and attic). The construction system is solid (using primarily reinforced concrete and masonry). The foundation is a shallow surface support (a constant thickness foundation slab). Load-bearing walls are made of masonry, except for the elevator shaft walls, which are reinforced concrete (RC) walls. The ceilings are RC precast so-called "filigree" slabs. The roof is a classic double-pitched wooden roof with rafters, supported by masonry walls braced with horizontal and sloping RC perimeter beams.
An elevator and two staircases are provided for vertical communication within the building. To improve sound insulation, the staircases are separated from the rest of the structure using the Schöck Tronsole® system. Both staircases (single-flight and double-flight) are made of precast RC elements and were not part of our project assignment.